Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Post (clever title, I know…)

                 After many gruesome battles with technology and my indecisive nature manifesting itself in countless internal debates (seriously, it was as struggle…), I’ve finally decided I am going to attempt to keep a blog documenting my adventures abroad. Now, though my own mother has told me she will not be reading my blog, I hope at least one of you reading this (assuming I have at least one reader) will muster up the energy to forgive the overtly cheesy URL and title of this blog and the entirely too long and wordy sentences to continue reading, and perhaps, even enjoy doing so. This blog is for you just as much as it is for me. While I fully intend on keeping you updated along the way, the frequency and detail of these posts will definitely fluctuate depending on how busy and hectic my life becomes in Europe.  Just judging by the notoriously daunting reputation of Oxford’s reading lists and by the fact that I will be set lose in a foreign country 4,356.433 miles from home (Yes, that is accurate. The internet told me so.), I would venture to say I am going to be pretty busy. Nonetheless, I hope you’ll continue reading, as I’ll continue writing! I already have a lot to say, and I haven’t even left the country yet! Stay tuned!